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Death penalty sought for Ricky Dubose and Donnie Rowe in the Tues., June 13, 2017, killings of guards Curtis Billue and Chris Monica in Putnam County, Ga. The HLN host says the filmmakers behaved irresponsibly as their hit series neglects key evidence proving Avery and his nephew raped and killed Teresa Halbach. Fifteen prisoners have complained of being sexually assaulted by their cellmates in the past seven years.

Love Is in the Air Turkish Series (Yer Gok Ask): Hancioglu family owns vast estates in Cappadocia in Middle Turkey. Murat Unalmis is son of this family.

· A Utah doctor, convicted of murdering his wife in a case that became a true-crime cable TV obsession, was sentenced Friday to 17 years to life in prison at. 60 Days In enters Atlanta's Fulton County Jail for two new explosive seasons at one of the most dangerous facilities in the country. With five times the number of. Good day am Mr William for open loan Do you need an urgent loan to pay to expand business or pay bills contact via WhatsApp or call +2347069796041. Funeral arrangements have been made for Sgt. Christopher Monica, one of two guards killed on a prison bus by two inmates who overpowered them.

Quotes from real life criminal psychopaths. In their own words.."We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow."A quote from Ted Bundy - he was executed in 1.

Some of the worst specimens are listed here, though this is not a comprehensive list. Their comments give us a real insight into what makes them tick - definitely to a different beat to the rest of us.. Some of them look respectable, but you would not want to meet any one of this lot in a dark alley - or anywhere else for that matter! NB. This site in no way glorifies or approves of anything these vile criminals have ever said or done.

The information found here is to increase understanding and nothing more. Scroll down this page or hit the links below for the relevant quotes. Okay, I know there are no ladies in the list but check out this female psychopath and her matter of fact pronouncements in her interview on the video page if you have 1. Classic clinical psychopath.. Enjoy crime fiction? Then read the site author's serial killer thriller, Remorseless. Get inside the mind of a violent psychopath in a novel described by serving British detective Scott M as the 'best book' he'd read as it helped him understand his 'clients' better!

Over 2. 50,0. 00 copies downloaded! The first novel in this hugely popular British Crime Thriller Trilogy, is currently. Just $3. 9. 9! You will receive a FREE copy if you sign up for my Readers Group. John Wayne Gacy His comment, after 2. I should never have been convicted of anything more serious than running a cemetery without a license. He actually killed at least 3. They were just a bunch of worthless little queers and punks.

Gacy also felt he deserved some sympathy, though was not alone (see Rifkin below): I see myself more as a victim rather than a perpetrator.. I was cheated out of my childhood. Gacy, like many psychopaths, suffered dreadful abuse during his childhood, with severe beatings from his father. But he didn't mind cheating other children out of their childhood - he had this to say about murdering his first victim, 1. Timothy Mc. Coy, a crime that gave Gacy an orgasm: That's when I realized that death was the ultimate thrill.

From this fascinating book, Buried Dreams: Inside the Mind of a Psychopath by Cahill.  An over- inflated ego is a trademark of these guys, and it is interesting that Gacy claimed indifference but kept a careful tally of his fame count: There’s been 1. Broadway play, five songs, and over 5,0. What can I say about it?

I have no ego for any of this garbage. Status is often important to psychopaths, and Gacy was a smart operator. In 1. 97. 8, several years after his first murder, the then First Lady was photographed with him.. He even received a signed copy from her saying, "To John Gacy. Best wishes. Rosalynn Carter." The Secret Service were rightly embarrassed.

His final words to his guards immediately prior to execution: You can kiss my ass. Gacy used to entertain young children in a clown suit and makeup - hence his nickname: the 'Killer Clown'. Perhaps Stephen King was inspired by this killer to come up with his phantom child murderer in his novel - and now a major hit movie - It. Return to Index. Albert Fish. These individuals don't fear their own deaths, which may be the reason they are so callous about other people's. The likely consequences barely figure in their actions either. Fish was as cold- blooded as his namesake: Going to the electric chair will be the supreme thrill of my life.

A common thread for psychopaths is physical abuse in childhood, and Fish suffered in the orphanage where he was brought up, along with the other boys, but discovered at a very early age that he was different: he enjoyed pain.I was there till I was nearly nine, and that's where I got started wrong. We were unmercifully whipped. I saw boys doing many things they should not have done. Like many psychopaths Fish tried to manipulate people into thinking he was somehow not to blame for his actions: I have no particular desire to live. I have no particular desire to be killed.

It is a matter of indifference to me. I do not think I am altogether right. He may be correct in his assessment. He claimed he sometimes experienced auditory hallucinations, so was both psychopathic (anti- social personality disorder) and psychotic (suffering a particular form of mental illness). None of us are saints. A masterful understatement, uttered by Fish, one that applies to everyone on this list! Return to Index. Joel Rifkin.

Joel Rifkin exuded self- pity - yet had none for his victims. He is not unusual among his ilk.

I will in all probability be convicted, but I will not go away as a monster, but as a tragedy. He was convicted of the murder of nine women although it is believed he killed 1. He would dismember the bodies for easy disposal. An FBI profiler interviewed him in this 4. Interviewer: When you looked in their faces what did you see? Rifkin: Er, deer trapped in headlight look. Just that stare. Interviewer: Did you like that look?

After a pause where this intelligent psychopath (IQ 1. Not necessarily, or I would've looked more often. It's one of those moments when you wonder if the FBI profiler is even close to getting the truth, or just what Rifkin is prepared to say. Manipulation by intelligent psychopaths has often led the most expert psychiatrists to be deceived.. The psychotic mass murderer Colin Ferguson is reported to have told him during a prison argument, 'I wiped out six devils and you only killed women,' to which he replied: Yeah, but I had more victims. Psychopaths often brag about their crimes, and this revealing statement rather undermines his claim of victimhood above.

According to ex- policeman Mladinich, in his book From the Mouth of a Monster, Ferguson punched Rifkin the mouth for the response - rather less than he deserved. Psychopaths often need high levels of stimulation, especially the intelligent ones. This can turn into a sort of craving, as Rifkin admits, saying of his first homicide, regarding the thrill of the chase and the deed itself: You never get that original rush.. Rifkin is inquisitive about his condition and agreed to have his brain scanned for an ABC documentary - you can see the clip here.​​Return to Index. Gary Alan Walker. Psychopaths often try to make excuses for their behaviour and rationalize things in a way we would understand, like this from Walker: I haven't spent a full year out of jail since I was seventeen years old. He clearly felt this was some justification for his appalling actions, but his callous disregard for the six people he killed exposed his true nature: I'm sorry I killed five people, okay?

He did not just murder them - he raped, tortured and strangled his victims. Return to Index. Joseph Kallinger.

Of course some psychotic psychopaths really do hear voices and act on them. Others just claim to do so, or pretend they act on divine inspiration: I was only following God's orders.

If we are to believe Kallinger then he had a very strange god.. This serial killer murdered three people and tortured four families. He wanted a family business it seems - he committed these crimes with his 1.

See Psycho? to understand the difference between a psychopath and a psychotic. Return to Index. Herbert Mullin. Mullin may have been a psychotic psychopath - a very rare and dangerous combination - he strung a victim's intestines in the trees and claimed he did so to inspect them for 'pollution'.