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Posted by admin- in Home -13/10/17However, a Reuters poll from today shows economists expecting Britain to grow, on average, by 0.3 percent a quarter over the coming year. So, there’s that. Jefferies has raised its price target on Tencent ahead of its third quarter results.
Watch Out for Counterfeit Solar Eclipse Glasses. In case you’ve somehow managed to avoid the growing hype, on August 2. United States. And to protect your eyesight when staring into the sun, you’ll need protective glasses. Naturally, though, there are already sketchy retailers out there peddling counterfit eclipse- watching gear, that might not appropriately protect your vision. A post from Quartz warned against counterfeit eclipse glasses that are being sold on Amazon by companies that don’t normally make astronomical gear. One seller, for example, also sold fidget spinners. Of course they did.)According to NASA, you should check if your glasses fit these criteria: Have certification information with a designated ISO 1.
Children’s Association for Maximum Potential 2nd Quarter, 2017. CAMP Gets Its Fiesta On at the Texas Cavaliers’ River Parade! Legal Notices: Stansberry Research LLC (Stansberry Research) is a publishing company and the indicators, strategies, reports, articles and all other features of our. Newsletter with articles on current research finds, industry news, job listings and event schedules. Includes sign up form and information about the company. More of Dinero's Career Highlights: 2006 over the 4th of July weekend, Dinero won at Window Rock and West Jordan, UT and then went on to take 2nd at Prescott PRCA. 5th holistic doctor died in Florida Dr. Baron Holt, 33, died unexpectedly this past Father's Day; the very same day another physically fit chiropractor was. The Great Space Pumpkin from Earth to Sky Calculus on Vimeo. Our Moon from October 30th through November 1st, 45 minutes after sunset. Full Beaver Moon will be on.
Have the manufacturer’s name and address printed somewhere on the product. Watch The Absence Of Light Online. Not be used if they are older than three years, or have scratched or wrinkled lenses. Not use homemade filters or be substituted for with ordinary sunglasses — not even very dark ones — because they are not safe for looking directly at the Sun. The American Astronomical Society has approved these five brands for buying eclipse glasses: American Paper Optics, Baader Planetarium (Astro. Solar Silver/Gold film only), Rainbow Symphony, Thousand Oaks Optical, and TSE 1. However, many counterfeit companies also use the names of the approved companies on their glasses.
NASA and the American Astronomical Society will approve more brands in an upcoming post, and retail stores like Walmart will likely soon begin selling approved eclipse- viewing glasses. These counterfeits aren’t necessarily dangerous to use, but there just isn’t a guarantee that they’ll protect your eyes.
Solar- eclipse fever means counterfeit glasses are flooding Amazon’s market Quartz.
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