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Full List of Movie Scripts and Screenplays available for download on the 'net - Enjoy! List of best UFO podcasts. UFO radio shows with on-line archives MP3 available for download.
List of UFO podcasts and radio shows MP3s. Best UFO Resourceshome summary technical overview occupants video documentaries video footage docs portals organizations resources physics crop circles literature forums blogs podcasts abductions rendlesham roswell reporting hoaxes skeptics about testimonies news. Written by. Last modified: Thursday 3. Aug- 2. 01. 2 0. 2: 1. EEST. Summary: This page offers a hand- edited list of podcasts and radio shows that cover UFOs. Through the links below, there are over 1.
MP3 files (needless to say, the episodes worth listening to are far fewer than 1. If you are still relatively new to the UFO subject or are looking for a "short list" of UFO shows to listen to, you are welcome to check the section "My opinion" below, about the persons publicly speaking about UFOs.
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Podcasts(Note: Most of these podcasts are NOT listed in i. Tunes, so you may want to bookmark this page). Strange Days Indeed (SDI) with Errol Bruce- Knapp et al, aired weekly on CFRB talk- radio in Canada for 8 years, between 1. Jan- 2. 00. 7. Continued as podcast until 2. Collection of UFO shows (MP3) @ checktheevidence. Coast to Coast AM" radio show aired since late 1. Bill Knell, Jim Sparks, Michael Salla, David Sereda, John Lear, Stan Romanek etc - check section "My opinion" below)The Paracastitunes with technology writer Gene Steinberg and Chris O'Brien.
David Biedny co- founded the show in 2. Feb- 2. 01. 0. Binnall of Americaitunes with Tim Binall. Each podcast includes a concise write up of the main points discussed. Tim's guest list includes Ufologists from outside north America.
Dark Matters Radio with Don Ecker is back since Jan- 2. You can also download MP3s of select episodes of his 1. UFOs Tonite!, Strange DAZE, Dark Matters Radio) at Best of Dark Matters Radio @ The.
Paracastraw file list. The Other Side of Truth (podcast)alt film- maker and Ufological pundit Paul Kimball posts audio/video clips from interviews he has conducted with a wide range of people. Dr Don C. Donderi, recently retired professor of Psychology at Mc. Gill university in Canada, has researched UFOs for four decades.
He gave a 3- part presentation about UFOs at Mc. Gill in 2. 01. 0, which are now availble on- line at Mc. Gill's podcast archive"We are not alone" radio show with David Twichell airs monthly on WHFR. FM whfr. fm/podcast. UFORADIO International podcastyoutube with Giuliano Marinkovic from Croatia (in English)paranormalradionetwork. UFO/paranormal show hosts (Karyn Dolan, Dee Andrew, Frank Warren, Angelia Joiner, Joe Montaldo etc)Eye To The Sky with Dee Andrew.
The Kate Valentine UFO showitunesfeedburner. UFO Traffic Reports with Roger Marsh. Includes "UFO Witness Protection Program" where UFO eye- witnesses talk about their encounters. MUFON Radio with Rick Wood audiomartini. The Texas UFO Network Radio Show with Steve Hudgeons (MUFON State Director of Texas)Mysterious Universe (MU) blog and podcast with Benjamin Grund, Aaron Wright and Micah Hanks.
Paranormal Podcastitunes with Jim Harold. Jerry Pippin Show homepage - podcast archive. Spectrum Radio Networkyoutube with Tom Theofanous and Scott Jordan.
Podcast. UFO with Martin Willishidden experience with Mike Clelland, deals (mostly) with the UFO abduction phenomenon. Kevin Smith Show. X- zone radio with by Canadian broadcaster Rob Mc. Connell. UFO Undercover Radio with Joe Montaldo, head of ICAR (International Community for Alien Research)Florida UFO Radioitunesfacebook with Jamie Havican. Inception Radio Network strives to deliver the most riveting live entertainment in UFOlogy, Paranormal, Cryptids, and Conspiracy. Black Vault Radio (BVRN) by John Greenewald, Jr., creator of The Black Vault website.
Repository of 4. 0 shows, 1,2. Red Ice Radio (RIR) - youtube online radio and webcast from Gothenburg, Sweden (in English)Open Minds Radioblogtalkradioitunes by Alejandro T. Rojas (formerly UFO Think Tank)Radio Misterioso with Greg Bishop Paratopia with Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni. Earthfiles Podcastitunes with Linda Moulton- Howe. Vike Report with Brian Vike from Canada. Skeptiko with Alex Tsakiris, "intelligent, hard- nosed skeptic vs. A well- produced podcast focused on "psychic" phenomena (no UFOs)Exopolitik Deutschland podcastyoutube (German language)The Joiner Report (Angelia Joiner), Dreamland (Whitley Strieber), Through the Keyhole (Karyn Dolan)Upcoming radio shows: Frank Warren's (Webmaster of UFOChronicles blog)Popular nationally syndicated US radio shows with online archives.
A big collection of "paranormal" radio shows can be found at ufoparanormalradio. My (warning: brutally honest) opinion: Since visitors to this page have asked me for podcast recommendations, I will say that my UFO interests are very specific to my own research (on possible UFO physics) and apparently different from all but a handful of other people around the world. I also happen to find it more efficient to read about UFOs (which allows me to do full- text searches for keywords and copy/paste stuff into custom databases), rather than listen to audio. Having said that, I have enjoyed listening to certain UFO researchers (e.
Chris Styles about his investigation into the Shag Harbour UFO incident of 1. Carl Feindt who collects water- related incidents, or the 1. Apr- 2. 00. 1 clip of Grant Cameron asking Dick Cheney on live radio whether he had been officially briefed on the UFO subject, to which Cheney replied "Well, if I had been briefed on it, I'm sure it was probably classified and I couldn't talk about it"). I also like to listen to the UFO witnesses speaking directly in their own words, at various UFO audio archives like those by Wendy Connors (incl.
NUFORC hotline), Michel Deschamps and Brian Vike (in the future, I plan to convert those audios using speech- to- text software - functionality similar to Youtube's auto- captioning). My main criterion for these lists has been to ask if the person has contributed to UFO study something of actual and enduring substance. The podcast shows in the section titled "Recommended" below are worth listening to if you have the time, but if you think that all the answers to UFOs are available in them, then you will be disappointed. Recommended: To relative newcomers to the UFO subject, I propose the following representative sample of podcasts with long- time Ufologists [sorted alphabetically, specialty in parentheses, podcast in brackets]: Jerome Clark (early UFO history, CUFOS, author of UFO encyclopedia) [SSE, SDI4. Peter Davenport (NUFORC UFO reporting hotline) [BOAA 1.
Don Donderi (UFO history, witness perception) [MCGLL1, SDI2. Carl Feindt (water UFOs) [SDI4. BOAA 5. 4. 8], Larry Fawcett (FOIA docs, UFO history, co- author w/ Barry Greenwood of "Clear Intent") [DMR], Stanton Friedman (general, Roswell 1.
MJ1. 2, Betty & Barnie Hill abduction, "Cosmic Watergate" UFO cover- up) [C2. C 2. 00. 40. 72. 1 - debate Friedman (UFO) vs Shostak (SETI), C2.
C 2. 00. 70. 80. 1 - Friedman vs Shermer, C2. C 2. 00. 60. 92. 6, SDI4.
BOAA5. 05]. Stan Gordon (Pennsylv. Kecksburg 1. 96. 5 case) [Leslie Kean and Stan Gordon @ JPPN- 2. JPPN, KEY1. 00. 90. Richard Haines (pilots & UFOs, NARCAP) [PCST0. Rirchard H. Hall (UFO history, NICAP) [Hall @ SDI, SDI4. SDI4. 34, DMR open.
P1. P2, PCST0. 90. Robert Hastings (UFOs and Nukes) [SDI4. C2. C 2. 00. 90. 21. PRNMLPDCST7. 3], Antonio Huneeus (1. L. Rockefeller initiative) [JPPN0. PCST1. 00. 51. 6], Don Ledger (east Canada cases, airplane incidents) [SDI4.
Bruce Maccabee (UFO history, photo analysis e. Trent OR 1. 95. 0 & Gulf Breeze FL 1. Ted Phillips (UFO physical trace cases) [SDI4. C2. C 2. 00. 80. 81. Kevin Randle (Roswell 1. SDI3. 77], David Rudiak (Roswell 1.
JPPN 2. 00. 40. 52. SDI4. 44/4. 45], Chris Rutkowski (Canadian UFO survey) [SDI3. Don Schmitt (Roswell 1. CSC 2. 00. 90. 60.
Chris Styles (Shag Harbour 1. SDI4. 67, BOAA2. 28], Jacques Vallee (UFO history, France, exotic ideas) [C2. C 2. 00. 80. 21. 2, PCST0.
BOAA 7. 2. 0. 8] to name a few from North America.