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  • This page has devotionals and sermon illustrations on Isaiah from Today in the Word, F B Meyer, G Campbell Morgan, C H Spurgeon, and many other sources.
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Isaiah 4. 5- 6. 6 Devotionals & Sermon Illustrations. This page has devotionals and sermon illustrations on Isaiah from Today in the Word, F B Meyer, G Campbell Morgan, C H Spurgeon, and many other sources. ISAIAH 4. 5Isaiah 4. I will give thee the treasures of darkness. If you can find no bright side in your trouble to look upon, polish up the dark one. D L Moody. Isaiah 4.

Murdoch Mysteries is a Canadian detective series set in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Toronto, based on a series of novels by Maureen. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get.

I create evil”—not sin, but the punishment thereof. D L Moody. C H SPURGEON  Spurgeon's Expositions often have a devotional flavor so be sure to check out what he writes on..

Isaiah 4. 5Isaiah 4. A just God and a Saviour. When the Son of God was made of a woman, and made under the law, there was heard the most awful voice that ever was heard in the universe yet: “Awake, O sword! Man that is my fellow, and smite the shepherd,”—smite him! When there was a man in the world that was Jehovah’s fellow, there was some one who could magnify the law, in smiting whom justice could obtain its demands. The sword of justice smote him, struck him, cut him. The sword of justice had a commission to smite the Man that was Jehovah’s fellow: it smote Him in Bethlehem; it smote Him all along the highway of His life, even to Calvary.

On Calvary, the strokes of the sword fell heavy; the glances of that sword then darkened the sun; the strokes of the sword shook earth, shook hell; it kept smiting and smiting the Man that was God’s fellow, till at last He cried, “It is finished!” Then the sword fell down at the foot of the cross, hushed, lulled, pacified: and it lay there till the third hallowed morning, when it was found changed into a sceptre of mercy; and that sceptre of mercy has been waving among mankind ever since. BEAUMONT. Isaiah 4. In the Lord have I … strength. A believer’s watchfulness is like that of a soldier. A sentinel posted on the walls, when he discerns a hostile party advancing, does not attempt to make head against them himself, but informs his commanding officer of the enemy’s approach, and leaves him to take the proper measures against the foe. So the Christian does not attempt to fight temptation in his own strength; his watchfulness lies in observing its approach, and in telling God of it by prayer.

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W. MASON. Isaiah 4. I am the Lord, and there is no other. Isaiah 4. 5: 5. TODAY IN THE WORD DEVOTIONALHow does a parent gain the right to discipline a child? Simply by virtue of being the child’s parent. That’s how God designed the family to work (Col. Consider, then, a small child who does not want to obey his mother. Mom,” he says, “you’re not my boss any more.

I can take care of myself. Even though you’re my mother, I don’t acknowledge your right to guide or discipline me. I think I know better and can do better on my own. I reject your authority- -I’ll handle things from here on out.”How do you think such a child would do in the real world?

No doubt you’re shaking your head in dismay. Yet this was precisely Israel’s attitude in today’s Scripture reading. Even though God was the Maker of their nation (Isa 4.

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This attitude dismayed Isaiah, who said that for Israel to quarrel with her Maker was foolish, out of order, and pointless (Isa 4. God knows best, and His power is irresistible. He is not merely the “top dog” among other gods (like Zeus of Olympus)- -He is the one true God (Isa 4. Even though King Cyrus (see Isa 4. Him, God will use him to bring the Israelites home from exile in order to glorify His name. Though Cyrus worshiped Babylonian gods, what he did was by and through God, for He is sovereign even when He is not worshiped.

1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul.

God is sovereign over everything, from light to darkness, from prosperity to disaster (Isa 4. Ps. 5. 0: 1. 0, 1. His sovereignty is not random or cruel, but purposeful and righteous (Isa 4. He is like a potter working with clay, shaping us according to His will (Isa 4. Isa. 2. 9: 1. 6 and Isa 6. Do we doubt or resist this?

Creation provides compelling evidence (Isa 4. TODAY ALONG THE WAYThe main point of today’s devotion is that creation reveals God’s right to rule the universe (Isa 4. Now let’s make that point more personal: God has the right to rule you (cf.

Ro 9: 2. 0, 2. 1- note)! Isaiah 4. 5: 9- 2. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 6. 4: 8b. TODAY IN THE WORD DEVOTIONALWhen you were in school, did your art teacher ever ask you to use clay to mold a candy dish or other object?

Such an activity might have been timed so that you could take your handiwork home as a Christmas gift for your parents. At first, you started off with grand ambitions of sculpting a masterpiece. As the deadline drew nearer, however, you thought you’d settle for wrestling the stubborn muck into any recognizable shape. Your candy dish ended up lopsided, but your mother still saved it proudly for many years. Today’s reading pictures God as the Potter and ourselves as the clay. At one level, this is literally true. God formed man from the dust of the earth, breathing life into clay (Ge 2: 7).

Interestingly, the word “formed” has the same root as the word “potter” in Isaiah 4. On another level, this metaphor demonstrates God’s sovereignty and righteous judgment. He shapes the destinies of nations (cf. Jer. 1. 8: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1.

He sent Israel into exile, and He will use Cyrus to restore them to their homeland. We often think of this metaphor only in individual terms–God molds us. In Scripture, however, it is more often used in bigger terms–God directs world history. That’s why near the end of today’s reading the whole earth is called to salvation and worship (Isa 4. For us, this image is a lesson in obedience. To rebel against God is as wrong and unthinkable as clay quarreling with a potter.

It’s ridiculous and presumptuous for us to question Him or to doubt His plan and power (Isa 4. God has every right to do as He pleases in making us fit and useful vessels (Ro 9: 2. Submission and obedience are our proper and righteous responses. TODAY ALONG THE WAYToday would be a good day to compare your attitudes to Scripture.

If you are the clay, is your heart soft before God, the Potter? Isaiah 4. 5: 9   Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker. God moulds us as a potter does his clay. In doing this; He comes to a point where our nature seems entrenched in all its might. We can yield everything but this. But not to yield this is to neutralize our yielding in all beside. That is where the soul strives with God.

It is the battlefield, the crisis, the crease- line of destiny. We may strive with God in two ways, saying, What makest Thou? He hath no hands; either by accusing Him of not having a definite purpose, or by alleging that He is not taking the best method of accomplishing it. Have you ever questioned the love, or wisdom, or purpose of God, in the molding and education of your soul? Or have you questioned the benevolence and wisdom of his methods? To do either of these is disastrous to peace of heart and growth in grace. We must will and dare to believe that God is doing his very beat for us, and doing it in the very best way.

The fate of those who strive against their Maker is very terrible. They are counted as potsherds. Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth.” What is a potsherd? A shred of pottery, which may have been part of a beautiful vase, but now as a broken fragment is good for nothing but the rubbish- heap. See it protruding from the cinders! This is the fate of the castaway, which the apostle feared.

The image says nothing as to our eternal destiny, but assures us that we may miss all opportunity of serving the purposes of God. Watch Elixir Dailymotion. Agree, therefore, with thy Divine Adversary quickly, lest He cast thee aside, or touch thee in the sinew of the thigh that shrinks, and thou limp through the remainder of thy days. F B Meyer. I will gird thee, though thou hast not known Me.—Isa.

In this chapter we have four messages of Jehovah, closely related to each other in that they take up and elaborate the fact announced in the previous message, that Jehovah had appointed Cyrus to perform His pleasure.