Watch High: The True Tale Of American Marijuana Online

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DREAMLAND Sam Quinones. SMSgt C. A. Crabtree.

Reply. Mr. Quinones, Congratulations on a superb book; one that richly deserves a Pulitzer Prize. I am a native of Scioto County and, even though I was a “hayseed” from one of the outlying farming communities, I still have fond memories of going “downtown” on Friday or Saturday night. If I may, I would like to make a couple of observations followed by a question. I hope that you will bear with me. I truly hope that Portsmouth is, indeed, “rising from the rubble”. However, I believe that the jury is still out. It is true that strides have been made in the “river cities” of Portsmouth, Ashland Kentucky, Ironton, Ohio and Huntington, West Virginia.

However, for every step forward, there seems to be a corresponding step backward (or worse). For example, a few weeks ago it was announced that the former mansion of Dr. David Proctor had been converted to a drug rehab center; certainly something to be celebrated. However, in the same week, the Ashland newspaper reported that overdose- related fatalities in Boyd County (Ashland) had nearly doubled over the previous year.

The drug- related violence goes on unabated. The entire nation learned about the savage execution of eight people in Pike County, Ohio (immediately north of Scioto County) but, just this year, there have been two double homicides in Scioto County (one solved and the other unsolved) along with numerous shootings and stabbings. On one weekend alone (in April), according to the Portsmouth Times, there were twelve overdoses with one fatality. Even previous success stories, such as the creation of SOLACE, have been tainted by the news that the founder of the organization has been banned from it due to alleged financial improprieties.

At times, I have believed that there seems to be some sort of “self- destruct molecule” at play here. In your book you alluded to negativity of the Portsmouth city government. Sadly, this attitude is still prevalent. Even though, Portsmouth did change to a City Manager form of government, the petty bickering continues; except now the bickering is between the City Council and the City Manager instead of the Mayor. I could not agree with you more that one antidote to heroin (or any drug, for that matter) is community.

However, it is difficult, if not impossible, to create and sustain that community when the economic underpinnings of that community are continually being kicked out from under it. For example, the Ashland community is still reeling from the hundreds of jobs that were lost when AK Steel downsized because of competition from cheap foreign steel.

AOL Radio is powered by humans! Great radio is all about unexpected connections--the kind that an algorithm can't predict. Pick any station in any of the 30 genres. Pizza? Sure. People seem keen to the idea of letting a robocar deliver a greasy pie to your door. Marijuana? Not so much—at least in California. The state’s.

In addition, both Democrats and Republicans were stunned when the Democratic nominee for President stated (to her wildly cheering audience), “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners out of work”. Of course, by implication, she was also saying, “We’re also going to put a lot of railroad employees and the businesses that are tied to coal out of business.” In fact, that is already happening: in January, CSX Railways eliminated over 1.

Huntington and two months ago over 1. Russell, Kentucky were chopped. Needless to say, other businesses, that depend on the mines and railroads will cut back or close. Whether one believes in climate change or not, the fact is that Appalachia will bear the brunt of these environmental and trade policies. Again, it’s tough to sustain a community in the face of this sort of adversity. I truly love this region. Although I left it in 1.

I graduated from high school, I never doubted that I would come back. My wife and I moved back here shortly after we retired nearly four years ago. I occasionally run into an acquaintance from my childhood and, usually, they will ask, “Why in the world did you want to come back here? It’s an easy answer for me: because it’s HOME. It’s because of that I am sickened and angered at what my community has become. Again, I am truly hopeful that my community can “rise from the rubble”.

Watch High: The True Tale Of American Marijuana Online

I hope you are still with me because I do have a question. In your book, you give only a passing reference to methamphetamines. I have always believed, perhaps mistakenly, that Crystal Meth is part of the “axis of evil” (the others being Oxy. Contin and black tar heroin) that have ravaged our community. Scarcely a day goes by that a meth lab is not found or a “Meth Head” overdoses (sometimes fatally). Perhaps methamphetamines were just outside the scope of your book and that’s fine. However, do you believe that the Crystal Meth problem is just a by- product of the Oxy.

Contin epidemic? From your research, do you believe that the “molecule” in Crystal Meth is identical to that found in Oxy. Contin and Black Tar Heroin? Just curious. Once again, this was just a fantastic book. Best wishes for your continued success.