Watch Florence Nightingale Online

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How to See It in Backyard Telescopes. The enormous asteroid Florence will zoom safely past Earth this Friday (Sept. Asteroid Florence will cruise by our planet at a distance of only 4. Earth and the moon. Florence measures 2. Earth since NASA started tracking asteroids in detail.

The asteroid hasn't been this close to Earth since 1. NASA officials have said. You can learn more about Florence and its flyby in a live webcast tonight (Aug. EDT (0. 10. 0 GMT on Sept.

Slooh: https: //www. According to Sky & Telescope magazine, the asteroid should now be easily visible in telescopes. The moon reached its first- quarter phase on Tuesday (Aug. Florence's reflected light. In Photos: Potentially Dangerous Asteroids]. Despite some interference from moonlight, 3. Florence should be fairly easy to spot in even modest backyard telescopes," Kelly Beatty, a senior editor at Sky & Telescope magazine, said in a statement.

The huge asteroid 3. Florence appears as a bright dot (center) in this photo taken with a large amateur telescope on Aug. Gianluca Masi of the Virtual Telescope Project. At the time, Florence was about 5 million miles (8 million kilometers) from Earth. The long vertical streak at left is the geostationary satellite AMC- 1. Credit: Gianluca Masi/Virtual Telescope Project. When to see asteroid Florence.

The best time to see asteroid Florence will be in the late evening, when it's positioned well overhead, according to Sky & Telescope. Peak brightness will be tonight (Aug. However, the asteroid should be almost as bright for several days before and after the end of the month. Famous Asteroid Flybys in History (Infographic)]. You can also watch the asteroid online in this free webcast from the Virtual Telescope Project, which is led by astrophysicist Gianluca Masi. The webcast will begin today at 3: 3. EDT (1. 93. 0 GMT).

Another good time to watch is Saturday (Sept. EDT (0. 00. 0 GMT on Sept. The asteroid will pass by four fourth- magnitude stars at the head of the constellation Delphinus, the dolphin, according to Sky & Telescope. Florence's path in the night sky will move north by a little less than the full moon's diameter every hour. Within just a few minutes of observing, you should see the asteroid move in a telescope.

The Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness heartily congratulates Florence Nightingale on winning the 2017 Golden Halo! To celebrate this momentous victory, the. This week the big near-Earth asteroid 3122 Florence is passing relatively close by, and skywatchers with even modest telescopes have a chance to spot it. Doubles your productivity in the first 48 hours by simplifying your life. Over 1,000,000 users and growing - all through word of mouth. Science news and information about the Sun-Earth environment.

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Sky & Telescope has detailed charts to help with locating 3. Florence. In general, over several days, the asteroid will move roughly from south to north, and will pass through the constellations Capricorn, Aquarius, Delphinus, Vulpecula and Cygnus. This sky map by Sky & Telescope magazine shows the location of the asteroid 3. Florence as it moves across the night sky in late August and early September 2. The asteroid will fly within 4.

Earth on Sept. 1. Credit: Sky & Telescope Magazine diagram. An asteroid called Flo. Asteroid 3. 12. 2 Florence was discovered in 1. Schelte "Bobby" Bus at the Siding Spring Observatory in Australia. The asteroid is named in honor of Florence Nightingale (1.

Watch Florence Nightingale Online

NASA officials said in a separate statement. Weather permitting, Florence will be visible in telescopes as a ninth- magnitude object. Magnitude" refers to the brightness of an object; lower magnitudes are brighter.

Florence will be a little dimmer than Neptune (magnitude 8), and well below the threshold visible to the naked eye (magnitude 6). The brightest planet, Venus, can get as bright as a brilliant magnitude - 5. The asteroid is relatively bright because of its large size and because its surface reflects roughly 2. Sky & Telescope. For comparison, the moon reflects only 1. Astronomers think that Florence is nearly spherical because its brightness changes only a little during its 2.

Editor's Note: If you capture a great image of asteroid Florence moving across the sky and would like to share it with Space. Watch Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Online Facebook. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on Space.

Sara Nightingale Gallery. Christa Maiwald earned an M. F. A. from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1. New York shortly thereafter, establishing herself as a video artist with solo exhibitions at the Whitney Museum of American Art, Anthology Film Archives, Holly Solomon Gallery and Franklin Furnace, among others. In 1. 97. 9 Maiwald was included in the Whitney Biennial. After a detour into screenwriting, she resumed her career as a fine artist with paintings, sculpture, installations, and since 2.

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Watch Florence Nightingale Online

Recent bodies of work include “Cake Performances”, in which she feeds gallery attendees freshly baked confections, while exhibiting photographs of the cakes taken outdoors in natural settings. Her embroideries, mostly narrative portraits, juxtapose the dainty, feminine “craft” of sewing with politically charged and often difficult subject matter. Dictators and heads of state, for example, who have become notorious for their brutality, are rendered in bright hues on little girl’s party dresses. Maiwald works in conceptually integrated series that explore human interactions and relationships. Each iteration of a particular theme reinforces the repetitive nature of that human behavior, and more often than not, it is bad behavior being referenced.

Using wordplay and verbal puns, Maiwald spotlights social injustice and human folly. She sews obsessively by hand, documenting the transgressions of public figures, celebrities and ordinary people who are flawed, vulnerable and human. Maiwald had a solo exhibition at Guild Hall in East Hampton, NY in 2. Her embroideries and photographs have been shown internationally, including at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City, Galerie Houg in Lyon, France, the Parrish Art Museum, the Heckscher Museum of Art, and the Florence Lynch Gallery. Her work, “The Cake and I”, is held in the permanent collection of the Parrish Art Museum.