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I DON'T miss about old technology. Photo: thewip. net As a follow- up to my piece 1. I miss about old technology, I wanted to present the flip side of the. I'm glad became extinct thanks to modern. I hope you appreciate and enjoy the list! Bulky hardware. I mentioned in my last article that one of the things I. Dell laptop that reminded me of the Terminator because it seemed unstoppable.

As a follow-up to my piece 10 things I miss about old technology, I wanted to present the flip side of the coin and talk about some elements I'm glad became extinct.

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The. drawback to this was that older hardware was bulky and difficult to haul around. There weren't any flat screens — just CRT monitors. Desktop systems were. Plus, there were a LOT of components for different. When I went to college in 1.

I had to bring all these. TVVCRVideotapes. PC (Radio Shack Tandy. SX)Monitor. Keyboard.

Printer with paper and. Disks. Stereo. CD player. Tape deck. Speakers with cables. Tapes. CDs. It took hours to pack up, move. No wonder there was always a long wait to borrow one of the. Nowadays, kids going to college need two things: a laptop and a. Some probably just bring tablets.

We've definitely come a long. Yes, we still use printers, but. I bring up in my next point. Printed manuals and books Photo: www. Having to dig through a computer manual or book looking for. PDF. files we have today. Not only that, you had to keep them as long as you owned.

If you were a traveling field. Now I keep all my PDF files in my Dropbox. If I don't think I'll ever use the file again. VMWare v. Sphere 4 after we've upgraded to version 5), I. Chances are I can find it again online if I do need the document. Physical media. Photo: www.

On a related note, I've saved countless hours not having to paw. CDs trying to find the right one to play a. Back when I was a kid, I even.

It might take. 1. These days, I keep install files and operating system discs. Rather than lugging around. I carry a single USB flash drive or just access what.

I need online via my Dropbox account. As an added benefit, I worry much less. Sure, hard drives fail, but it's nothing to worry about if you. Slow computers/connections. Not to sound arrogant, but I can't often take seriously the. To paraphrase the. Watch Wild Target Putlocker#.

Lloyd Bentsen, "I have worked with slow systems. I know what slow. Your computer is not slow." In the early 1. I witnessed. first- hand an IBM 8.

PC struggling valiantly to load a copy of Word Perfect. Mb floppy disk. It literally took so long that I could have. A far cry from. waiting 2. Firefox to finally open. The same goes for Internet connections. When you've gotten. K modem, any form of broadband seems like lightning by.

Downloading a 1 Mb file involved relying on a good book to read. I waited (im)patiently. Even 4 Gb . iso files download relatively quickly these. I also don't miss sharing the. Expensive systems and parts.

I mentioned in my previous article that I had a friend who owned. Apple II in 1. 97. That translates to almost $3,4. Parts. were similarly pricy, not to mention hard to find (and even harder to get to if. Case. in point, I had a Tandy 1. SX computer that suffered a broken keyboard during. The keyboard was shot, so I had to order another one from Radio Shack.

Nowadays. you can just order what you need online for a reasonable price and have it. Manually backing up personal data. Backing up data is never fun, but it's necessary. Copying. floppy- to- floppy was a bummer. When consumer hard drives came along, I thought.

Sadly, this was not to be (at that time). Every hard. drive has a finite life span, as I found out when mine crashed and burned. Copying important files to removable media. I got to the point where I used Norton Ghost to clone. That all ended once I started using online cloud services. Dropbox for my data. I still rely on an external hard drive as well, to.

I copy my files via scheduled tasks. But the tedium of copying the same. It all happens in the background. Difficulty troubleshooting problems.

Some might see this as a plus, since you were forced to rely on. But when problems occurred with computers 2. BBS or. calling friends on the phone)."Weird obscure error message"? Well, use trial and. Computer gives an odd sequence of beeps and won't power. Where's that manual, anyway?

What do you mean, the "error code". Should I go with such- and- such word processing. I dunno; maybe ask around in the community and see what people. You get where I'm going with this: There was no Internet to.

Google error codes, check manufacturer websites, or read customer reviews. In a business environment, the ability to get advice and. True, I do feel now that it can be tougher trying to find meaningful. IT pros on free forums.

DNS settings" for. It's a wonder that male- pattern baldness.

DNS configurations. But if you wade in the river long. Not necessarily so. Hardware limitations.

I mentioned in my last article that my father upgraded my Tandy. SX computer to the maximum of 6. K of RAM (this was probably around 1. That helped, but writing papers on the word processor program — which I don't. This meant any. paper longer than that had to be split into two files and worked on/printed. Now word processing documents can easily span thousands of pages. In 1. 99. 7, I bought a Compaq Presario 4.

MB of RAM and a. 1. MHz CPU. Back then it was the best system I could afford, but it crashed often. VERY often. I bought a copy of Cyberflix's "Titanic: Adventure out of Time," which was a sort of spy game set on the Titanic. My computer almost always. Compaq hardware was. If in fact the computer DIDN'T crash, I didn't dare stop the game. I had a 1. 0% chance of getting past that segment.

Sure, there are still hardware limitations these days; if. But at. least you can upgrade more affordably.

Remote support headaches. Up until the arrival of remote control software, if you worked. IT and had to support remote users, you did it over the phone, old- school. Users. had to read error messages to you (and invariably this would entail long. A problem has been detected and. Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. The problem. seems to be caused by the following file…." This would go on and on until.

Technical information. STOP colon zero x zero zero zero zero…."  You would then have to figure out what you. It was especially painful if you had to walk them through. True, it wasn't as bad as having a wisdom tooth out without. During the late 1.

I worked for a bank, and we were lucky. Poly. It allowed us to view the OS/2. OS/2" part right). The. servers were Compaq systems with two things on the front: a power button and. Compaq logo. On one memorable occasion I had to explain to a bank manager.

Despite all of my best. I had to take a pair of Advil and politely request someone else at. Do you see the power button on the front. Oh, sure! Want me to press it?"  "Yes, please." CLICK. Nowadays we benefit from commercially available products like Logmein and Team. Viewer for remote access to other systems, as well as Dell Remote. Access Cards (DRACs), which allow you to power off/on systems and view their.

I've saved a lot of money on Advil since then. The "computer geek" stigma.

This wasn't a particularly terrible ordeal, but it significant. Back in the 8. 0s if you liked computers. Now. I'm not comparing this to the actual persecution many minority groups have.

There was a general assumption that everyone in the nerd club just. Dungeons and Dragons or go to chess club. Even in the 1. 99. IT chances were people.

Systems. and network administration, programming, and data analysis were usually. Things have changed now. Take a walk down the aisle of any. Dozens of computing devices. Ride up. in a crowded elevator and what's in everyone's hand?

A smartphone they rely on. We're all in the nerd club now. I'll admit I haven't set.

I somehow doubt that kids who. Revenge of the Nerds treatment. Watch Online Watch Taken In Broad Daylight Full Movie Online Film. And we're out of time. So that's my list. I'd be interested in hearing what you also.

For those of you keeping score, turns out I actually listed more. I do miss than things I don't miss.

I guess I know now how I define the.