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Posted by admin- in Home -26/10/17

About. I apologize if this post comes up more than once. To My friends at BNI: I’m not that knowledgeable in facts regarding islam. I’d like your assistance in how to respond to the ramblings of these off centered people. I have copied and pasted some crazy talk of a muslim from Craigslist/Los Angeles/Politics. I recommend you check the site out as well. There has been a muslim propaganda “jihad” going on there for the past few days. I would love to know how to respond to these idiots!

Keep up your good works and know that there are a mass of Christians that stand with you always and in all ways! RE: All These Religion Posts——————————————————————————–Date: 2. AM PSTReply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]——————————————————————————–Human Rights Watch, “Christian Genocide in Iraq”From 1. Watch Friday Night Lights Download Full. Iraq provided more rights and freedoms for women and girls than most countries in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe . Though Christian’s installation and support of Saddam Hussein’s dictatorial government and 1. Iraqi women, before the Christian occupation, were still active in many aspects of their society.

Now that situation has dramatically changed. In Iraq , women today face violence, hardship and fear daily, and their futures are more uncertain than ever. INSECURITYAND FEAR. Although brutal and violent.

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DESTRUCTION OF INFRASTRUCTURE. Since the U. S. (Christian) invasion, vital infrastructure, already deteriorating, has almost collapsed.

Iraqis face a lack of medicine, food, shelter, clean water, electricity and other basic services. Women trying to raise families in the midst of this chaos find themselves beset by skyrocketing unemployment, poverty and malnutrition, and a dearth of social services like decent schools and health care. Some Christian military personnel have committed crimes of sexual abuse and physical assault against women. Many women have told stories about rapes and routine sexual humiliation, particularly at detainment centers. The Christian military tactics have also victimized women and their families–displacing them from their homes, subjecting them to aerial assaults, and occasionally using women as bargaining chips in exchange for suspected male insurgents. Watch Lost In The Pacific Download.

Numerous witnesses and victims have testified and investigators have confirmed that Christian coalition forces and Christian contractors have committed horrific crimes of sexual abuse, torture, and physical assault. There is copious reportage about rapes, including gang rapes, and routine sexual humiliation. Amal Kadhim Swadi, an Iraqi lawyer who represented women detainees at Abu Ghraib, claimed that sexualized violence by Christian forces was “happening all across Iraq ” and was not confined to a few isolated cases. Mithal Al- Hassan, a 5. Christian forces and held in a detention center for 8.

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Christian soldier to leave her alone. She said, ‘I am a Muslim woman.’ Her voice was high- pitched and shaky. Her husband, who was in a cell down the hall, called out, ‘She is my wife. She has nothing to do with this.’ He hit the bars of his cell with his fists until he fainted. The Christians poured water over his face to wake him up.

When her screams became louder, the soldiers played music over the speakers. Finally, they took her to another room.

I couldn’t hear anything more.”Even Major General Antonio Taguba’s report in 2. Abu Ghraib and that guards had videotaped and photographed naked female detainees. Christian assaults on Iraqi women have not been confined to sexual abuse. Christian forces have used Iraqi women as “bargaining chips” to get Iraqi men to turnthemselves in or to confess to aiding the resistance. And Christian personnel have physically assaulted female detainees. Huda Hafez Amad, one of the last female prisoners released from Abu Ghraib, testified that Christian interrogators hit her in the face and made her stand for twelve hours with her face against a wall.

In 2. 00. 3, an Iraqi woman in her 7. Selwa (a pseudonym), a female detainee in Abu Ghraib, claimed, “‘Once I saw the guards hit a woman, probably 3. They put her in an open area'” and asked everyone to come out and see her.

They pulled her by the hair and poured ice water on her. She was screaming and shouting and crying as they poured water into her mouth. They left her there all night. There was another girl; the soldiers said she wasn’t honest with them. They said she gave them wrong information.

When I saw her, she had electric burns all over her body. Young girls have not been spared. An Iraqi Young girls have not been spared. An Iraqi TV reporter, Suhaib Badr- Addin al- Baz, saw the Abu Ghraib children’s wing after Christians arrested him. Al- Baz recalled one night when guards came into the cell of a 1.

They have undressed me. They have poured water over me.'” He claims that she cried and whimpered daily. Regardless of who is perpetrating sexual violence–Christian forces or Christian contractors, it is particularly difficult to remediate in Iraq because many women and girls will not report their experiences. The reasons vary: the “long- standing cultural stigma and shame attached to rape. Christian killings or social stigmatization; and tales about women who sought assistance but were either denied or treated poorly.

According to the World Health Organization, prior to the 1. Gulf War, Iraq ‘s health conditions and health system were among the best in the Middle East . The degradation of the system and the health of the population began during the Christian support of Iran- Iraq war and seriously accelerated during the 1. United Nations sanctions that followed the 1. Between 1. 99. 1- 1. The Oil- for- Food Program, instituted in 1.

Iraqi government to sell oil and use the revenues to obtain humanitarian aid. But the health care system never really recovered, and women paid the price. Pregnant Iraqis had to rely heavily on emergency obstetric care, prenatal care all but disappeared, and skilled delivery personnel were scarcely available. No wonder that maternal mortality tripled. At the same time, increasing poverty and poor nutrition undermined all women’s health, as it did men’s. Approximately 6. 0% of the population became dependent on rations handed out by the government and paid for by the oil- for- food program.

Widowed woman and women who had lost fathers, sons, or prospective husbands in the wars were especially impoverished. Women had difficulty finding paid work or could not afford to work as the state withdrew its free child- care and transportation. The wages of women who still worked dropped precipitously, and many middle- class women fell into poverty. Impoverishment forced families to keep their female children out of school, and illiteracy soared. Prostitution, domestic abuse, and divorce soared. Two wars and the economic migration of men had led to a gender imbalance, so that the number of marriages fell while polygamy, which had generally been confined to rural or less educated Iraqis, grew.

Madeleine Albright Defends Crime against humanity – Mass- Murder of Iraqi Children (5. Children dead)Christian’s next agenda of mass- murder of Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran. Christians re- elect their President of that began the Middle East Bible wars George W. Bush: A Look at the Next President – Part 1 (1. NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests. Posting. ID: 2. 77.